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Novotek News

Easy access to open industrial connectivity

Industrial automation specialist Novotek is expanding its commitment to deliver the best industrial equipment by making Kepware software solutions readily available to industrial businesses.

Actemium News

Actemium installs Explosive Detection Systems in 10+ airports

A global logistics automation company required services to replace its obsolete Explosive Detection Systems (EDS) at their 10+ airport installations in Mexico.

Rohde & Schwarz

EuMW virtual: Rohde & Schwarz demonstrates reliable microwave test solutions for future-looking applications

Rohde & Schwarz is participating at EuMW virtual with a lavishly designed virtual trade show booth, where visitors can learn about new developments and exchange ideas with experts. The focus is on test systems for RF frontend designs, for radar and satellite systems and for wireless technologies from 5G to the sub-terahertz range. European Microwave Week 2020 was postponed and takes place from January 10 to 15, 2021, as an online event.

HMS Industrial Networks AB

Ewon and NVISO partner to bring IIoT cybersecurity to new levels

With the cyber threat landscape constantly evolving, Ewon, a business unit within HMS Networks and the global leader in industrial remote connectivity, has partnered with NVISO, an expert in cybersecurity, to bring industrial cybersecurity to the next level.

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