Functionality, a clear design and aesthetic corporate branding convinced the German Design Awards 2020 jury. Three KUKA products received an award for outstanding industrial design at the ceremony in Frankfurt am Main.
HARTING T1 Industrial, All for Ethernet and the SPE Industrial Partner Network make for reliable infrastructure solutions / Han S®: Secure connections for modular energy storage.The HARTING Technology Group will be showing off lots of new products and smart solutions at HANNOVER MESSE (20 April to 24 April 2020) again this year (Hall 12 / Stand D3). And the HARTING motto for this year’s HANNOVER MESSE is also “Industrial Transformation”.
When an automated industrial application calls for a rail system, designers often turn to steel rails and components for their durability. However, there are many heavy-duty use cases where linear guides with aluminum construction are a better option than steel guides. Here are some of the reasons you should consider aluminum rail systems.
The newly developed CryoFlowSkid enables 3 step syntheses for the continuous production of chemical intermediates or active pharmaceutical ingredients in kg quantities per hour.
Datalogic, a global leader in automatic data capture and industrial automation markets, will attend Logis-Tech Tokyo 2020 (LTT 2020), where exhibitors and visitors discuss, actively exchange information and find their new business partner. LTT is a springboard to capture and address the diverse needs of the logistics market.
Arvato Supply Chain Solutions continues to advance the automation of its locations Driverless handling of all floor-level pallet transport jobs in the Harsewinkel distribution centre Six Automated Guided Vehicles from Jungheinrich deliver around 400 pallets a day.
The thicknessCONTROL MTS 820x and MTS 920x thickness measuring systems from Micro-Epsilon offer a new and efficient solution for measurement tasks in hot rolling mills. They enable high precision measurements on thick and thin materials and are considered more precise and efficient than X-ray devices.
After losing its 3-axis co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM) to a devastating flood, Precision Machine & Auto Components (PMAC) had to act fast to find an alternative solution. Renishaw's REVO® 5-axis measurement system not only helped return a water-damaged CMM to operation, it also reduced cycle times by 60%.